ART phantoms are molded of tissue-equivalent material; they are designed within highly sophisticated technological constraints and follow ICRU-44 standards. They are also designed for accuracy and ease of use.
Breasts attachments are available in various sizes. They can be sliced in frontal planes (drilled or undrilled for film dosimetry). Slices can receive any of the blank pins. Breasts of male ART phantoms are contoured to blend realistically with the thoraxes. They are attached to the thorax with nylon screws.
This Male Breast Attachment with 1.5cm x 2.5cm Hole Grid Spacing with a volume of 1000ml is compatible to use with RSD Male ART Phantoms
Please indicate Left Breast or Right Breast
Unit per each
About this Brand
After developing the first anthropomorphic test dummy for the aviation industry in the late 1940's, the RSD team directed its impactful R & D to revolutionize healthcare diagnostic imaging with anthropomorphic phantoms. RSD diagnostic imaging phantoms are routinely used to perform quality control on imaging equipment and to train healthcare professionals in best practices. The company has become the leading supplier of QC and educational solutions for medical diagnostics and radiation therapy, featuring products such as anthropomorphic phantoms and dosimetry verification phantoms.