Do you have a instructions for sterilization of this product?

Yes, we have instructions on how to sterilize this item. Please scroll towards the bottom of the page, and you will see the following instructions; Sterilization instructions: Clean with any standard disinfectant prior to sterilization. Sterilize the finger trap before each use. Steam Sterilization General Instructions: Follow standard hospital sterilization practices A. Place clean instruments in an instrument tray B. If instruments are to be wrapped, two double thicknesses of #140 thread count wrappers should be utilized. Exposure times are the same for wrapped or unwrapped instruments C. Follow the instructions for the gravity air displacement steam sterilization listed below. Gravity Steam Sterilization: A. Double wrap in standard central supply wrap. B. Set the temperature and corresponding exposure time: 121-123 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes. After cleaning, store in accordance with standard hospital operating procedures to maintain cleanliness. Inspect finger trap before and after each use. If the Finger Trap is split or frayed, do not use. The finger trap should be handled and disposed of in accordance with accepted medical practice and applicable laws and regulations.
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