Alexandrite & Diode Laser Glasses With High Visibility
Alexandrite & Diode Laser Glasses With High Visibility
Alexandrite Diode High Light Transmission Laser Safety Glasses allow for clear visibility and are fitting when working around alexandrite and diode lasers. Lasers emit various forms of non-ionizing radiation. It is important to protect your eyes from this harmful laser radiation, whether it is the form of direct or reflected laser beams. Many safety regulations should be followed when laser procedures are performed and these laser glasses will help you stay in accordance with ANSI Z136.3 standards.
ANSI standards are a required safety component for those working around high power Class 3B and Class 4 lasers and laser systems. All medical, clinical, dental and cosmetic facilities that perform laser procedures must follow these regulations. Alexandrite & Diode laser glasses offer high visibility and have many beneficial elements that make this pair suitable for protection. The lenses consist entirely of glass, which make these glasses extremely durable and completely protected. Sturdy laser glasses will go a long way in any medical setting. Many suppliers will simply coat the surface of the lens with protection. This means that the slightest scratch to the surface can compromise full protection rendering the glasses unsafe. This specific pair permits a 55.5% visible light transmission through blue colored lens.